
website design

SySpree, Web Design

Do Stock Images really work on a Website?

Stock images are available at the click of the mouse and it’s extremely easy to find the relevant photo for your website, and they are free too! However, as a leading Web Design Company in Mumbai, Thane, and Navi-Mumbai, we understand that these royalty-free, online photographs are doing a lot of harm to your business than you think as these cheesy images are putting your viewers. They are massive turnoffs as they are highly impersonal and push the site visitors away instead of attracting them. As a leading Web Design Company in Mumbai, we know that such stock images do nothing to represent your brand and this can be a huge setback to any business. If you aim to establish your brand image as one that is elegant and refined, this tacky stock image is surely not going to help you in doing so. Your customers will neither take serious note of that image nor your brand and that is not what you would want as a professional organization. Why is good visual content so critical for a website? In visual content marketing, you generally use images, videos, infographics, memes, or other types of visual content which may be accompanied by informative or inspirational text for the marketing campaigns of your organization. These visuals come in an appealing, engaging format to entice people to visit your website, understand your brand better, or to buy your product or service. Content marketing thus becomes successful with the use of a well-designed visual. According to PR Daily, the visual content of your website gets viewed 94% times more than the content without any visuals. Marketers have acknowledged the valuable impact that visual content has on growing their business. In the 2018 Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs study, B2C marketers chose pre-produced videos (45%) and illustrations or photos (29%) as among the most effective content marketing types that helped to meet their company’s specific goals. In the future, this visual content will still be the bread and butter of both B2C and B2B content marketing campaigns. Marketers plan to use more pre-recorded videos (77%), images (68%), and live videos (63%), according to a 2018 Social Media Examiner report. Since Content creation is being driven by visuals in today’s times and as a leading Web Design Company in Mumbai, Thane, and Navi-Mumbai, we offer the following few reasons for the same: As compared to text, visual information is processed about 60000 times faster by the human brain. Press releases with images are known to generate 14% more views than those with pure text. One can expect around 37% more engagement if an article is optimized with relevant images. Increasing website traffic Engaging customers through visual storytelling Raising brand awareness Improving conversion rates Visual content gets your message across faster Since the response to images is known to be more effective, web designers are keen to include them in their designs. But they fail to realize that these images are common and are being used by other “free” image lovers too. Your website is one of the most powerful tools for conversion and as a professional Web Design Company in Mumbai, Thane, and Navi-Mumbai, we refrain from using stock images as the impact on your business can be negative due to their impersonal nature. According to any leading Web Design Company in Mumbai, Thane, and Navi-Mumbai, this should be a good start for many of the users who have started researching how one can start their website. We assure you to go into further depth in our future blogs such as The Difference Between Web Development and Web Designing or The Importance of Using Split Screen Designs for Websites to learn about more exciting topics.

Graphic designing, SySpree, Web Design, Web Develipment

Exaggerated Use of space for web development

As a leading Graphic Designing Company in Mumbai, we know that Web design is always evolving and new design trends are introduced regularly, giving rise to phenomenal new ideas. Web sites need a fresh infusion of ideas that are instrumental in giving the customers different online shopping experiences and through this article, we shall explore how exaggerated use of space is helping designers to do so. Every Graphic Designing Company in Mumbai is constantly on the lookout for ideas that give a different perspective to the entire design process and exaggerated use of space is one idea that is trending in a major way. As designers of a top-notch Graphic Designing Company in Mumbai, we all are aware that the exact volume of space on a webpage can make or break a design. Empty spaces have the power to speak to the customer, be it white space, background color, or surrounding text and images. Exaggerated use of space is a fun design trend and can be extremely effective in helping web visitors use a particular application or a website, provided it is implemented smartly. The trend to use minimal styles, a highly popular trend, has given rise to the use of open spaces. However, there is one noticeable difference between the two; these designs balance text, images, and color in a more asymmetrical format than the symmetrical outline with lots of space around it. Let us analyze this exaggerated use of space from the user’s point of view. A website visitor will be instantly attracted to the wide, open spaces of the webpage design and this is an extremely natural reaction from the user. From here, the visitor’s eyes follow the highly populated part of the design and seems like an unforced, natural progression. Both these steps are designed to grab the user’s attention and lead them to where we want them to look and engaging them for a longer time. This is a fairly simple balance the designer tries to create, which is not only great for making a great impact but is visually attention-grabbing too. Website designs use black and white spaces quite effectively since the dark and light elements attract the viewers and are great for creating an impression on the viewer. Similarly, wide and empty spaces around the headline are useful in drawing attention as the headline is the first thing a viewer should get connected to and helps engage them further. How to leverage white spaces effectively? White space is more than often ignored yet it remains a vital part of effective website design. Clients and many designers think that every open space on a webpage has to be filled with images or text or colors since space is seen as waste if not occupied. It has been observed that white space is one of the most important portions of a website and does not need to be filled just for the sake of doing so. White space is instrumental in improving the appearance of a website since it gives it a nice, clean, and professional look, thus drawing viewers towards it. It is also quite easy on the eye and encourages viewers to stay on the page, reading and exploring the website for a longer time. White space around images and text makes the content legible while helping to improve comprehension. If brings a sense of calm and the website seems organized and clutter-free. It will also ensure the visitors do not miss items of importance on your website. If an organization hires a professional Graphic Designing Company in Mumbai, they can be assured of proper use of the white space in the design like for highlighting call-to-action and other important parts of the website.

SySpree, Web Design, Web Develipment

The Importance of Web design to create an impact on your audience

First impressions are important in real life as well as in the digital world. This is the reason why experts at a top Web Development company in Mumbai, recommend carefully selecting and implementing web design solutions for your business as it behaves as a driving feature in boosting the growth of your business in the online market. How does Web Design create the desired effect? Carrying habits such as good manners, reaching on time, wearing presentable clothes, personal hygiene, etc. are all part of the impressions we make on other people, especially the first time we connect to them. The online world is no different and here also we have visitors who would judge your website and its credibility according to the way it looks. The incredibly short time that we have to create the right impression on our potential clients makes it crucial to create a website that will grab the user’s attention and hold it long enough. We are a top-ranking Web Development company in Mumbai and we have created some amazing work for our clients that is memorable and exceptional. It is important to understand that web design and art are two different aspects and should not be confused with each other. A practical website should be based on web design in which content, imagery, or navigation should serve a specific purpose. While redesigning a website, a content audit is necessary so that all the old clutter is cleaned out and while building a new website, sitemaps and wire-frames should be your beginning, giving clarity preference over task completion. The prudent use of numbers virtually guarantees confidence building with users. For example, using “our organization is present in 8 countries” sounds more impactful than “we have an international presence. “Huge web designing experience” can be replaced by “More than 50 websites built for clients” to give it a numerical perspective. It is also critical to use effective images for your website that is not only great looking but relevant to the products or services being sold. As a leading Web Development company in Mumbai, we suggest using real people, real locations, and full-screen images to make the website meaningful and connect in a better manner with the target audience. Elements to focus on while creating a quality Web Design Navigation: One must always ensure that their audience would find the data they are looking for as easily as possible. To learn more about this point refer to the Website Navigation: Tips, Examples, and Best Practices blog which mentions some useful tips to consider. Responsiveness: Your audience must be able to access your site from any device without going through any hassle while accessing the data they need. Visuals: Your content must be media-rich as users would be more interested in seeing your work rather than reading a large block of texts. Page Speed: While creating a website, the most important feature to focus on is the loading speed of your site. Your audience would hate to wait for long and hence we should make sure this factor is always taken care of. Reasons to focus on the Web Design of your website Here is a gist of why you should focus on improving the web design of your website by a leading Web Development company in Mumbai : It sets the first impression on your customer. It helps to aid your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. It also helps set an impression on the customer service of your business. It helps you build trust with your targeted audience. Your competitors are doing it too. It helps you create consistency If you enjoyed reading the above blog and would like to indulge yourself in more such interesting reads related to Digital Marketing or would like to know more about the services of a leading Web Development company in Mumbai, feel free to check out our latest blogs on What is Digital Marketing? or The 4Ps of Digital Marketing.

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