
2D or 3D – What is better?

One of the most common questions that arise to a Graphic Designing Company in Mumbai, especially from clients, is what kind of animation is better for a project, 2D, or 3D. 2D animation refers to all that exists in a 2-dimensional plane and is now considered “old-fashioned”, created in Flash by using hand-drawn elements, while 3D animation pertains to elements existing in a 3-dimensional environment.

It is created by using high-end computer software and has a higher resolution of texture and detail. 3D is generally extremely effective when scenarios related to water, outdoor scenes, and action are needed to be created.

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    While choosing from 2D and 3D animation, one of the first considerations has to be the type of action your commercial will have. If it has action and big movements, with major camera movements, then 3D is the right choice for you. As a top-ranking Graphic Designing Company in Mumbai, we go through this dilemma regularly, every time a new project is launched. 3D animation is highly accurate and is perfect to generate effects that seem real-life and extremely pleasing too. In contrast to this, if your focus is on individuals and has an emotional background to it, it would make sense to stick to the old- world 2D for a better impact on your viewers.

    2D vs 3D by Graphic Designing Company in Mumbai
    2D vs 3D by Graphic Designing Company in Mumbai

    In 2D animation, the viewer has to compensate a lot with the storyline and the resulting action. Also, it may not be highly accurate since the animation is hand-drawn and simply represents life-like movements. In contrast, 3D animation helps to take the narrative in the right direction quickly since it is much more realistic and better looking too. Being a leading player of customized Graphic Designing Company in Mumbai, we consider the pros and cons of both the technologies and choose the most suitable and relevant one for a client’s project.


    Advantages of 2D animation:
    • 2D animations are very easy to learn and understand
    • They have a comparatively low cost of production
    • They are quick to create in comparison with 3D
    • They provide you with greater artistic freedom
    2D Animation Example by Graphic Designing Company in Mumbai
    2D Animation Example by Graphic Designing Company in Mumbai
    • It is difficult to achieve a high level of realism with 2D animations
    • It relies heavily on creativity and originality
    • The demand for 2D animation is comparatively smaller
    Advantages of 3D animation:
    • It provides the user with superior visualization and accuracy of the movement
    • With the help of 3D animations, great detail and realism can be imparted on all animation elements
    • In this completed 3D models can be reused and applied elsewhere
    • Good prospects of modernization in the future
    3D Animation Example by Graphic Designing Company in Mumbai
    3D Animation Example by Graphic Designing Company in Mumbai
    Disadvantages of 3D animation:
    • Production costs of employing 3D animations can be high
    • It issues more creative limits to movement and action
    • It takes much longer to learn and master 3D animations

    Having analyzed the 2 different styles of animations in the above post and their roles in various markets, we can now confidently claim that there is no clear winner here. Also, it is clear that 2D animation is safe and here to stay for a long time. 3D may be the newer technology and is certainly gaining a lot of ground in the entertainment industry, but people will always love the creativity and ease provided by 2D animation, and continue to use it.

    According to any leading Graphic Designing Company in Mumbai, this should be a good start for many of the users who have started researching how one can start their website. We assure you to go into further depth in our future blogs such as The Difference Between Web Development and Web Designing or The Importance of Using Split Screen Designs for Websites to learn about more exciting topics.

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